Cassie Robinson Cassie Robinson


You can’t pour from an empty cup.

You’ve got to put yourself first and learn to take care of you.Being a mom, I understand the guilt that comes along with putting yourself first #momguilt but somewhere along the way I realized it’s ok. A happier me equals happier children, a happier husband, a happier family. I remember a time where I was stressed all the time. I felt like I did nothing but yell at the kids, the animals, the husband. I was beyond stressed. I remember the night, I was sitting at my desk, crying my eyes out wondering where it all went wrong and in that moment, I made the conscious decision, I wasn’t going to live my life so unhappy anymore. I realized I was putting everyone else's happiness before my own and I started to feel resentful. As a mom I felt an immense amount of pressure to make everyone else happy all while I felt unworthy of happiness myself. The next morning it was like the world had shifted, in a good way 😉
So babes I’m here to tell you: It’s ok to buy those shoes you’ve had your eyes on. It’s ok to leave the kids with a sitter and do that thing you’ve continued to put off.It’s ok to have that extra glass of wine. It’s ok to book that Boudoir Experience.⁣⁣ You have to start living for yourself and living for today! I did and it was the best decision I ever made for myself. What’s holding you back?⁣

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Cassie Robinson Cassie Robinson


Wondering what to wear to your session?⁣ Don’t worry about a thing.⁣ When you book your session, you will receive a prep guide with all the information you’ll need, from what to wear, different types of lingerie, including our favorite types and of course, where to shop.⁣ Girl, if you need me, I’ll meet you at a local lingerie store and we can go shopping together!⁣

So don’t worry, I’ve got it covered.⁣

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Cassie Robinson Cassie Robinson


Did you know that I provide every client with a full service photography experience?

From your initial contact through product delivery, I am here for you every step of the way. Have a question and want to talk to a real person? Let’s schedule a call. Would you rather meet in person? Let’s grab coffee. Don’t know what the wear or where to shop? I send you a guide with all the information you need. Don’t know how to pose? It’s not your job to be photogenic or know how to pose, It’s my job to take the best photos you’ve ever seen of yourself. I will guide you and pose you from your toes to your fingertips. Don’t know how you want to display your images? We meet after your session to go through your beautiful photographs and decided what’s the best option for you. And with customizable collection, you can schedule knowing you’ll walk away getting exactly what you want.

This experience has been meticulously planned for you every step of the way so all you have to do it reach out and show up. Leave the rest to me.

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Cassie Robinson Cassie Robinson


This experience is about YOU. This experience is not for anyone else. You may think you’re scheduling this experience for a partner, but this experience is to show YOU what a beautiful, wonderful, incredible, sexy, capable human you are.

I get to show you what the world sees and once you see that, it’s an incredible feeling! Are you ready to change your life?

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Cassie Robinson Cassie Robinson


Can we talk about something really important? This is mostly for the moms out there but I feel like it’s important for everyone to hear. The other day, I was putting on my makeup. It wasn’t anything fancy. Just a real quick application before I had to go pick up my daughter from school. My son wanted me to follow him into the other room and I told him to “hold on real quick” so I could finish my makeup and without hesitation, he said, “Why, so you don’t look like a lunatic?” And while I laughed at his words, it led me to think more about the small things I say, without even thinking, that have a HUGE impact on my children’s lives.

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Cassie Robinson Cassie Robinson


In case you forgot, you are BEAUTIFUL!

We are constantly comparing ourselves to other, but don’t think for a second that just because you don’t feel like you compare to that girl you see walking down the street, that you don’t possess you own beauty. .

You are the only you in this world! You deserve to love yourself. .

Let me help you see your beauty.


You are WORTHY!

You are ENOUGH!

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Cassie Robinson Cassie Robinson


Modern Beauty Boudoir is a fine art studio focusing on high-quality photography services. It is my studio’s goal to provide a quality photography experience matched with the same quality of professional prints and products. I am proud to offer a collection of the most unique and highest quality products in the industry.

This is an unforgettable portrait experience that you will cherish for the rest of your life. You deserve to celebrate your individual beauty and experience confidence that goes beyond the surface. This experience does not care about your weight, age, relationship status, or any other circumstance you think might define you. You do not need to change anything about yourself. You deserve to love every inch of yourself and I’m her to get you started on your self-love journey. Modern Beauty Boudoir is a fine art studio focusing on high-quality photography services. I am a full-service photographer who offers an exclusive, luxury experience. If you are ready for an intimate, meaningful portrait experience that will change your life, I’m the photographer for you.

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Cassie Robinson Cassie Robinson


If you spoke to your closest girlfriends the way you speak to yourself, how would they feel? When was the last time you could say you love yourself?

Make sure you’re reminding yourself Every. Single. Day.

You are WORTHY
You are ENOUGH

If this seems impossible, maybe it’s time to come see me!

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Cassie Robinson Cassie Robinson


If you spoke to your closest girlfriends the way you speak to yourself, how would they feel? When was the last time you could say you love yourself?

Make sure you’re reminding yourself Every. Single. Day.

You are WORTHY
You are ENOUGH

If this seems impossible, maybe it’s time to come see me!

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Cassie Robinson Cassie Robinson


I know this is something that everyone struggles with at some point or another. I struggled with this, not so much with another’s beauty, but with success. When I was younger and worked in the corporate world, if someone else received recognition and praise, I would feel defeated when I didn’t receive the same recognition and praise. Now that I own my own business, I am inspired by others success and it has helped me realize that success is possible. It’s helped me to get excited to hit goals and celebrate when others achieve theirs.⁣⁣

⁣⁣We are all beautiful. We are all unique. Let celebrate that and focus on lifting each other up.

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Cassie Robinson Cassie Robinson


My name is Cassie and I am the owner of Modern Beauty Boudoir. My studio is located in Windsor, CA and I hold sessions throughout Northern California. I adore my family, I'm so thankful for my extremely supportive husband and I consider myself so lucky to have found what I want to do with the rest of my life at such a young age.⁣My journey began over 15 years ago. In that time I have grown and evolved into the photographer I am today.⁣⁣I specialize in women's intimate portraiture and boudoir photography taking a more lifestyle approach. I believe every woman deserves to feel beautiful. As a mother of two young girls, it is important for me to set an example of what being⁣beautiful truly means. The one thing that motivates my photography the most is LOVE! Love for yourself and love for your body. My goal is to⁣capture more than just your photographs. I want my photography to evoke something deep inside.⁣⁣Boudoir CHANGED my life. It changed the way I see myself. For the first time in a long time, I can truly say I love myself and my body. It took a long time to get to where I am today but I've never been more in love with the person I am today! Now I'm changing others lives in the same way. I'm so⁣excited for all the beautiful women I will meet and get to work with through this journey. You deserve to love every inch of yourself. Are you ready to change your life?

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Cassie Robinson Cassie Robinson


My name is Cassie and I am the owner of Modern Beauty Boudoir. My studio is located in Windsor, CA and I hold sessions throughout Northern California. I adore my family, I'm so thankful for my extremely supportive husband and I consider myself so lucky to have found what I want to do with the rest of my life at such a young age.⁣My journey began over 15 years ago. In that time I have grown and evolved into the photographer I am today.⁣⁣I specialize in women's intimate portraiture and boudoir photography taking a more lifestyle approach. I believe every woman deserves to feel beautiful. As a mother of two young girls, it is important for me to set an example of what being⁣beautiful truly means. The one thing that motivates my photography the most is LOVE! Love for yourself and love for your body. My goal is to⁣capture more than just your photographs. I want my photography to evoke something deep inside.⁣⁣Boudoir CHANGED my life. It changed the way I see myself. For the first time in a long time, I can truly say I love myself and my body. It took a long time to get to where I am today but I've never been more in love with the person I am today! Now I'm changing others lives in the same way. I'm so⁣excited for all the beautiful women I will meet and get to work with through this journey. You deserve to love every inch of yourself. Are you ready to change your life?

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