Can we talk about something really important? This is mostly for the moms out there but I feel like it’s important for everyone to hear. The other day, I was putting on my makeup. It wasn’t anything fancy. Just a real quick application before I had to go pick up my daughter from school. My son wanted me to follow him into the other room and I told him to “hold on real quick” so I could finish my makeup and without hesitation, he said, “Why, so you don’t look like a lunatic?” And while I laughed at his words, it led me to think more about the small things I say, without even thinking, that have a HUGE impact on my children’s lives.

When I got into boudoir photography and empowering women to fall in love with their bodies and themselves right where they are in their lives, I vowed to myself that I would stop focusing on the things about my body that I didn’t love. That I would be more aware of the things I say out loud, especially around my daughters, and that I would learn to love and appreciate every part of my body. And while I think I’ve done a great job at most of that, my son’s words were a reminder that I CAN DO BETTER. I never say things like, “This shirt makes me look fat” or “I wish my arms weren’t so jiggly in tank tops” or “I can’t wear that crop top because my belly will hang out” or “insert body criticism here”


I didn’t think about how saying “let me finish my makeup so I don’t look crazy” might have such an impact on my daughters and their feelings about makeup and how it affects their self-image. And maybe it doesn’t affect them at all. Maybe I’m overthinking this because empowering women to love themselves and setting a good example of that for my daughters is so important to me but it’s a good reminder to BE AWARE. You never know when your words will change someone’s life.


